When Can My Child Start Lifting Weights?

The media today often condemns the use of barbell training for young children. There are some that claim lifting weights at a young age will lead to stunted growth, fractured growth plates and limit athletic potential. Still others believe barbell training can be safe for a child as long as technique is stressed. As a parent or coach, whom should you believe? Is weight training for young athletes really as harmful as many have made it out to be?Continue reading When Can My Child Start Lifting Weights?

System Failure

Our system is broken. We are failing ourselves professionally. We have failed the athletes, coaches, parents and young colleagues around us. This would be a good time to pop some popcorn and prepare for an aging mans rant… We’ll take a break from the other well written and thought out posts of Squat University. This will be less of that and more of a conversation with your grandfather discussing how he walked up hill both ways to school in the snow and how this generation has ruined everything good.Continue reading System Failure

How to Teach a Perfect Squat

When we talk about the squat many people often want to jump right into discussing the barbell squat. We forget the basics of the bodyweight squat. If we don’t address the movement of the squat before the exercise version of the squat we set ourselves up for failure. If we can fix the issues that present during the bodyweight squat we give ourselves a greater capability to carry the load of the barbell. We should all have the ability to perform a full depth “ass-to-grass” squat without any weight. Period.Continue reading How to Teach a Perfect Squat